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Monday, August 15, 2005

Dorney Park UGH

A normally enjoyable day trip turned annoying.

I have now become the minority in my whole country. I know I know freedom of blah blah blah... I was /am rather annoyed by the fact that the park has been taken over by 3 main types of people. The"I dont speak English" people. The foreigners who do not understand a word of English, nor do they try to learn, but I bet they dont have a problem signing their checks each month ::eyeroll:: I actually had a woman say, "wha u mean?" when I said Bless you, when she sneezed. Of the people I encountered, most were rude, thoughtless, idiots. What a shame. Even employees of the park do not speak English, Many Russian beauties who do not speak a word of English. SAD.

Second, is the invasion of Mexicans. I felt like I was in Cancun, not Allentown, PA. What in the world. They too do not understand a word of English, but at least they do try. They are equally as rude though. They wear clothing to show every ounce of their body, rolls and all. Thong bikini's on a 300lb + woman is NOT sexy. UGH..

Lasty was the large amount of foul mouthed African American gangsters that I encountered. Thousands of them. Every other word out of their mouth was FUCK. I dont understand, where did the system go wrong? How come these people were not taught manners as kids? Why are they not teaching their children to have manners as well? Why did a 7yr old ish little boy tell my 9yr old cousin to get the fuck out of his way? What in the world is this country coming to. Why in the world do people think it is ok to just walk around a friendly family park cursing up a storm???

don't get me wrong, please, I am not a racist person, I have friends of many nationalities, but sometimes the stereotypes of people do actually fit. I grew up in a very "white" neighborhood. There were very few "black" families there. All were very nice people. I still keep in contact with many of them. Maybe they were just a product of their environment. The people I encountered yesterday are obviously a product of theirs. Its just sad that their environment sucks.

Well unfortunately what comes with the sleazy people is a sleazy atmosphere. People who live in squalor, create it where they go. The best was the woman who didn't want to wait in line any longer for the restroom and decided to urinate in the sink. she then proceeded to yell to her friend in a stall to bring her out some toilet paper so she could wipe her twat. It was a wonderful experience for my 3 cousins and their friend. I wont mention her ethnic background, but I will say, it was just wrong. Im sure she urinates in her sink at home also. Litter bugs everywhere. Trash everywhere.

Now granted I surely my share of "white" american people with trashy mouths and dropping their soda bottles on the floor, but if I had to put a percentage on it, I would have to go with maybe 3%. I was saddened and disgusted all at the same time.

Also shocking was the fact that they had no ashtrays anywhere in the park, they just had the young kids walking around sweeping up butts. I witnessed a few little ones burning their feet stepping on still lit butts. =(

All and all the trip was ok, if you take the nastiness of the people out of the equation. The rides were great, no lines because everyone was in the waterpark most of the day. After the 3rd coast within 20 mins of lunch, I found myself blowing chunks in the restroom. Felt fine an hour later, but no more rides were on my agenda. The kids had a wonderful time. They are still oblivious to what this country has become, or maybe it is that they just know any better to notice. The eldest, maybe she can understand. She shared with us yesterday how her old friend from when we lived in New Jersey, recently had a baby girl. She just turned 16. T (the 14yr old) looked at me, and said, "why in the world was she having sex at 15?"

I can only hope and pray they will never have to deal first hand with the crappier parts of this country...

1 comment:

nunyabiznaz said...

I was born in Allentown and lived in Treichlers til I was 10. Was up there visiting about two weeks ago, it sure is different now. My uncle owns a jewelry store in Northampton, that's my fav place. =)