what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Did you ever read at PostSecret? I am a loyal follower and I read over there every week. To date I have had 2 secrets posted, one in the original book and another on the site. Each week on Sunday he updates the site with new secrets. You will be surprised how many over time pertain to how you feel. Neither of the secrets below are mine, but they do reflect how I am feeling about two different aspects of my life right now. Check them out.

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Ohhhh christmas tree, ohh christmas tree, how lovely are your branches

Phil and I went to pick out our christmas tree today... we decked it all out
DSC00403.jpg Ohhhhh Christmas Tree

DSC00400.jpg lights on

DSC00411.jpg Angel at the top of my tree, right near the memorial ornament from the girls

DSC00412.jpg Upclose of the beautiful ornament Janine sent me

DSC00413.jpg Michael's Angel from 2005

DSC00414.jpg Michael's Angel from 2006

DSC00415.jpg Angel Tree Topper

DSC00404.jpg Candle Missie sent me from Denmark

Thursday, November 23, 2006

i give thanks to thee

Had I thought the whole process through I would have definitely taken pictures of my meal... I may not be a baker, but boy can I cook... Granted everything I made today was pretty standard. Turkey (breasts only), mashed potatoes, green beans, candied yams (Phil did these), gravy and crescent rolls. Everything came out wonderful.

Our day was kinda plain, but I enjoyed just about every moment of it. I got up at around 10, did my thing until I woke up (it sometimes takes me a few minutes to get talking), I made a scrambled egg and some wheat toast and checked my emails. My brother called with his tidings, chatted with him for a few. Did some prep work for our dinner while Phil set up our table. Then we sat around and watched some football. I got bored because it was two teams I don't watch so I went to shower... Then it was back to the sofa to watch my Cowboys take on Tampa. I was interrupted a few times to deal with the turkey and potatoes but overall I had a nice peaceful day.

I ran up the street to visit my aunt and the girls for a few minutes, and of course had to deal with my mother being there. Im slim on patience so I basically ignored her comment and left. I wanted to get back home and catch the 4th quarter without being annoyed by her. Finished up the game and had some of the my yummy pumpkin pie. Then I retired to my bed where I watched my Thursday night line-up.

So all and all a great day... peaceful, calm and without incidents.

Hope you had a great day in your part of the world.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

a baker i am not, but i tried and tried again....

I would love to say that I had the most amazing experience baking pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving, but my first attempt ended up in the trash and while I was on the cusp of just purchasing a pre-made pie from the local Price Chopper, I called Phil for a pick me up and push to give it a another try. He convinced me that I am good at what I do and that I just needed to try again. Back to the store I went for my second round of pumpkin pie supplies.

You see my first pies would have been marvelous had I properly read the instructions I had in front of me and realized that I had totally omitted an ingredient. SUGAR! So when the pies where done, I stuck a spoon in a corner and took a little spoonful to taste. Immediately I spit it out and thought, what happened. I went back to my handy print out and realized I forgot the darn sugar, or in our case Splenda.

So with Phils little push, I braved the crowds and went back to the market for my extra supplies and came back to start the process all over again. The second time around, I am happy to report that the fruits of my labor have turned out wonderfully and I have two piping hot pies on the cooling racks, tasting wonderfully.

Since Phil and I will be giving thanks at home this year, just the two of us, I decided to run the second pie up to my aunts house for her and the girls to enjoy. I know she is upset that Phil and I have decided not to join them this year but I really enjoyed the idea of the two of us spending a
quiet day at home, without a table full of food in front of us all day. We will play some cards, watch some football, and mostly just snuggle up under a blanket on the couch and enjoy being in each others arms.

Here are a few snap shots of my pies... Want some?

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And just for the record, pie crust is very tempermental, as you can see I lost a bit here and there..LOL

Sunday, November 19, 2006

good eats, and the things that make them possible

Today the question was posed, "what do you want for christmas", for some this is usually a pretty easy question to answer, and for me it is usually filled with alot of anxiety and indecisiveness. You see when I want something, I tend to just go buy it. That normally ruins it for everyone else who is trying to get me something I would really like. Much to my surprise this year I actually have items on my list that people can buy. I'm sure because of this I will end up not receiving any of them, and another bag of items to return with the crowds after the holiday's are over. I will happily go about my merry way returning my items and hopefully putting the funds toward the items I really would like.

So now you are sitting there going, what in the world does she want... Before I tell you, I am going to give you a little background into my culinary abilities of a year ago. A gourmet meal included a box of
rice a roni and some chicken cutlets. In the past year I have evolved into a pretty good cook. I have taken alot of lessons from the likes of Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray. I have taken alot of chances and tried alot of things I would have normally shunned in the past. I am constantly on the lookout for something new and exciting to make. Believe me when I tell you, I have a very satisfied husband thanks to this. Tonight's menu includes Apricot-Glazed Pork Tenderloin and Red Roasted Potatoes. Not the most extravagant menu, but it beats Hamburger Helper.

So this brings me to my wants for this holiday season. First on my list is this most adorable lazyspoon, sure I have plenty of wooden spoons, but none as nifty as this. Secondly I would love this most adorable 5-Quart Oval Saute Pan or something similar since I realize this would take away a hefty amount of my holiday budget. Finally on my list would be a a couple of silicone baking pans, and a silicone wisk & spoonula set. So there you have it, my holiday wish list. If you feel the overwhelming desire to purchase one of these items for me to go along with the gift giving season upon us, drop me a line and I will shoot you my address. =)

The funny part is people tend to say that I am a pretty selfish person. Why I don't know, I think I am far from selfish, so I am sure there will be a few who do not understand how I would be happy with items for the home, but alas, I have evolved.

Friday, November 03, 2006


The trip started out awesome, but the last two days kinda sucked... so let me explain... First I had to get up at 4am, (ended up, up at 3am)... I drive to my friends house, pick her up, then head the 2 1/2 hours down to the airport in Phili.. We get there check in, get breakfast and wait and wait..LOL The flight was pretty bumpy, but nothing too bad... I got to watch, The Devil loves Prada on the way down so I was kewl with that...HAHA

We arrived in Mexico at the airport and you can clearly see the differences. Everything looks pretty shady and there are lots of men around trying to grab your bags and walk you to your pick up post (for a tip of course). We get to the van and already I was feel dehydrated.. It was HOT there..LOL We get to the hotel and check in. The hotel is amazing.. VERY VERY clean, and everyone is very polite and friendly. First we were given a room on the 3rd floor (no elevators) but we asked to be switched and were to the second floor. The room (2 doubles) was very nice, beautiful tile floors, marble counters, a huge TV, awesome patios for every room... fresh flowers EVERYDAY...

We got our suits on and went down to the "quiet" pool, the resort has 3 pools, a quiet pool, a party pool, and a sports themed pool (volleyball & basketball) and snorkling lessons. We swam and layed in the sun the first day until dinner time, then went up to get ready for dinner. Food, OMG the food.... There are 6 restaurants on premises. 2 share one spot alternating nights. The buffet was big and had themed nights for dinner. I didnt have many items that I didnt like. Im pretty picky though. I tried alot of stuff I would never have eaten at home. Breakfast was always great, although the buffet items were kinda tepid at best, so I stuck to the stuff they fresh prepare or had fruit and cereal.

They have 5 or 6 bars on site which is great... The wait service is outstanding and treat you with so much respect. After a day or two they know the things you like to drink and come up to you and ask if you want "fuzzy navel" or"beer" or whatever you were drinking. They do not expect a tip but I would tip often because they were great.

The second day we hung by the pool as it was the best weather day of the week. I got a nice sunburn despite wearing SPF 50!! The next day it turned tan so it wasnt bad. We stayed by the party pool that day, and let me tell you it sure was a party. They do alot of games and contests. Keep in mind this is an ADULTS ONLY, tops optional place. The games were usually sexually related but not in a tacky sort of way. Everyone is treated with respect and its a no pressure zone, so if you dont want to participate, you dont have to.

Shopping down at Market 28 was great. You can really haggle with the people and get items MUCH cheaper then they are asking. They prefer when you pay US Cash, instead of CC or pesos. I really didnt buy much because everything I picked up was expensive (jewelry wise). I did get phil some religous items for a few bucks each. After the market we went to Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville, had a margarita and then went to do some more shopping in the strip mall. I got Phil and myself a few t-shirts $3 bucks each... Pretty good.

The best way to get around down there is by bus, it costs 65 pesos (65 cents or so) each way.. the taxi's are more expensive. Just dont take the bus during work ending or starting hours cuz its like sardines in there.

We went over to Isla Mujeras one day, thats an island that has shopping, snorkling, etc. We took the 9:30 ferry over, and came right back on the 11:50. It was pretty rough over there since we didnt do the tour we were on our own. It reminded me of the worst part of Newark or New York city. slum housing, and the shopping sucked.. So if you ever go to Cancun, avoid the island. It was a waste of $15 for the ferry..LOL

My friend that I went with had already been to Cancun 3 other times and had done pretty much everything. Often there were things I wanted to do but she would make comments like, "well I have done that already so I dont care if we do it" I felt alot of the time that she didnt want to so I never pushed the issue. I would spend ALOT of time in the night by myself or with other guests because she would want to go up to the room early and go to sleep. I met some really awesome people down there and they took me in and hung out with me. I didnt get to go to Coco Bongo (the one thing I wanted to do) She talked me out of it stating the place was too packed and hot and blah blah. I was pretty disappointed in my company and by the last 2 days I stopped trying to hide it. I grew increasingly aggravated with her and did my best to try to keep my feelings inside and not ruin my trip.

I made the trip the best I could on my own... I would definately go back, next time with Phil.. because I know we would explore the great sites they have to offer.

The trip back home was long and quiet (we werent really talking by this point) One suggestion is if you want some good shopping, save some money for the Cancun airport. They seem to have the best stores and best prices. I bought the majority of my gifts there for more then 75% less then they were asking at the shops.

All and all I had a pretty good time... I made it my own and spent time trying to have a good time on my own. It was unfortunate that I didnt get to do alot of the site seeing tours or club nights like I would have liked to do, but I will definately do it next time. The weather was pretty good.. hot alot but we did have rain daily... Only a 2 hour period or so hindered us doing anything.. the majority of rain was over night or early morning (6am). I would stay out around the resort til 2 or 3am most nights so I didnt get much sleep. Im having a hard time catching up and feel really tired and drained.

Money wise I did great. The trip itself with hotel and airfair for the all inclusive was $780. I brought $350 with me and only spent less then $150 (including food on the return day and gas in the car) and all gifts.

Here are some pictures from the trip... I didnt actually take all that many since I didnt have my camera with me most of the time...

Caribbean Sea!

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Shoulda Won Best Costume!!

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Getaway Cast on Halloween

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Drunk Canadian... HAHA He was awesome

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Beautiful Sunset

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Isla Mujeras - look at that water

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Towel Dinosaur

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Early Morning Haze

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

12 things in my kitchen, that are good!

Butternut Squash Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Butternut SquashPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Carnival Squash Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Cucumber Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Eggplant Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Tomato's from my Garden Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Baby Orange Tomato's Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Peppers Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Plum Tomato's Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Spaghetti Squash Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yellow Squash Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yellow Tomato's Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A law firm needs bottled water why?

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This morning was the annual Race for the Cure to support breast cancer through The Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. A few friends and I walked this year as we have done in years past. If you have never been to one of these, you can not possibly imagine the sea of people that are there to support a cause, and grab some free loot (we will get back to that later). So its a 5k (3 1/2 mile) run/walk around town. Through the sea of people (see photo below) you see the men and woman with pink t-shirts signifying that they have survived cancer. Everyone else wears white. In the mix you will pinpoint a woman with her beautiful bald head, and huge smile. She too is trying to survive, and fight the battle. Years down the road you will see her again, in her pink shirt marked proudly with the number of years she has survived.

There are too, many people that are just their for the free loot. A couple dozen companies out there trying to promote their business or product, shoveling free gifts at you to brand their name on your chip clip, or bottled water. You are shuffled through this line of folks to grab a few bags, fill them up with your promotional advertising items and then you run to your vehicle to load up, and for some to only come back and do it all over again. Here is some of the great loot, I loaded up on today....
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While I walked around, I rehearsed this blog in my mind and selected items to show how ridiculous company's can get at a charitable event such as this. There were other things that I can not show you because they are living in the pit of my stomach right now, but Krispy Cream was there, with their spread of donuts, Mrs. T's perogies for after the race, an abundance of fresh fruit for the picking, TONS of candy in all shapes and sizes. So you are probably wondering what my favorite gift of the day is eh? Here it is...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting How could I possibly not love this bag, its is most adorable, and since taken this photo, I have started the magic of removing the advertisement. Now I will have a nifty little bag to store more junk in next time I go for a hike or something...

So the race is on, we trek through the sea of bodies and along the way pass by Phil's job. There he was proudly passing out pink and white balloons to passers by, and a sweaty kiss for me as we jog past. Although they had no big advertisement going on, they too were selling themselves with their giveaway. I took a pink balloon, tied it to my knapsack and walked the rest of the race with it blowing in the wind. In the end, I untied my balloon, said a short prayer for a friend of ours who has been fighting the battle for a year now, and let my prayers drift off into the sky and into her heart.

Reminder: It is estimated that 214,640 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. About 41,430 will die. Currently, there are over 2 million women living in the US who have been treated for Breast Cancer.

Breast Self Examine Instructions
To order a free BSE card, please click here.

If they are having one of these in a town near you, join in, you will be glad you did, free stuff and all.
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

10 random things around the house that I love and why....

- The dying flowers from my husband because he thought enough to get them for me a week ago.

My new addiction to tarts because my house smells so beautiful. -

- My very sick husband because loves and supports me.

My Spider plant because it's been growing for me for years. -

- My kitchen windowsill because all things beautiful grow there.

My oil on canvas because it is pure serenity. -

- My snack because just a little goes along way.

My Third stack of books read this year because reading brings me peace. -

- My Mickey Mouse tissues because who can be sad when you see Mickey?

My Bed because this is where I dream the night away. -

Monday, June 12, 2006

I'm a terrible blogger

I'm not sure why, I got bored with the whole blogging thing. But since I have some good news to share, I figured why not. Im sure by now, no one even reads this thing anymore. But here goes nothing. I hit my first goal in this whole weight loss journey. 50lbs gone!!!!
It's hard to imagine what 50lbs is, when it comes off so slowly, but think of a small 5 or 6 yr old kid. I lost a whole one of those!!!
Or a bag of onions...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I still have quite a ways to go, another 50lbs at least, but the first 50 gives me the push I need to get the last 50 off.

Pretty kewl huh?