what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

a baker i am not, but i tried and tried again....

I would love to say that I had the most amazing experience baking pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving, but my first attempt ended up in the trash and while I was on the cusp of just purchasing a pre-made pie from the local Price Chopper, I called Phil for a pick me up and push to give it a another try. He convinced me that I am good at what I do and that I just needed to try again. Back to the store I went for my second round of pumpkin pie supplies.

You see my first pies would have been marvelous had I properly read the instructions I had in front of me and realized that I had totally omitted an ingredient. SUGAR! So when the pies where done, I stuck a spoon in a corner and took a little spoonful to taste. Immediately I spit it out and thought, what happened. I went back to my handy print out and realized I forgot the darn sugar, or in our case Splenda.

So with Phils little push, I braved the crowds and went back to the market for my extra supplies and came back to start the process all over again. The second time around, I am happy to report that the fruits of my labor have turned out wonderfully and I have two piping hot pies on the cooling racks, tasting wonderfully.

Since Phil and I will be giving thanks at home this year, just the two of us, I decided to run the second pie up to my aunts house for her and the girls to enjoy. I know she is upset that Phil and I have decided not to join them this year but I really enjoyed the idea of the two of us spending a
quiet day at home, without a table full of food in front of us all day. We will play some cards, watch some football, and mostly just snuggle up under a blanket on the couch and enjoy being in each others arms.

Here are a few snap shots of my pies... Want some?

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And just for the record, pie crust is very tempermental, as you can see I lost a bit here and there..LOL


t said...

ahh yes pie crust, i know it's temperament well. it looks like you did well grasshopper. nothing says lovin quite like a little pumpkin in a pie...

Tara said...

Not too shabby for my 2nd attempt in a day.. I think I shall try again someday in a glass dish, Apparently they workout better for baking pies. Ya live and learn I guess...