what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A law firm needs bottled water why?

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This morning was the annual Race for the Cure to support breast cancer through The Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. A few friends and I walked this year as we have done in years past. If you have never been to one of these, you can not possibly imagine the sea of people that are there to support a cause, and grab some free loot (we will get back to that later). So its a 5k (3 1/2 mile) run/walk around town. Through the sea of people (see photo below) you see the men and woman with pink t-shirts signifying that they have survived cancer. Everyone else wears white. In the mix you will pinpoint a woman with her beautiful bald head, and huge smile. She too is trying to survive, and fight the battle. Years down the road you will see her again, in her pink shirt marked proudly with the number of years she has survived.

There are too, many people that are just their for the free loot. A couple dozen companies out there trying to promote their business or product, shoveling free gifts at you to brand their name on your chip clip, or bottled water. You are shuffled through this line of folks to grab a few bags, fill them up with your promotional advertising items and then you run to your vehicle to load up, and for some to only come back and do it all over again. Here is some of the great loot, I loaded up on today....
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While I walked around, I rehearsed this blog in my mind and selected items to show how ridiculous company's can get at a charitable event such as this. There were other things that I can not show you because they are living in the pit of my stomach right now, but Krispy Cream was there, with their spread of donuts, Mrs. T's perogies for after the race, an abundance of fresh fruit for the picking, TONS of candy in all shapes and sizes. So you are probably wondering what my favorite gift of the day is eh? Here it is...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting How could I possibly not love this bag, its is most adorable, and since taken this photo, I have started the magic of removing the advertisement. Now I will have a nifty little bag to store more junk in next time I go for a hike or something...

So the race is on, we trek through the sea of bodies and along the way pass by Phil's job. There he was proudly passing out pink and white balloons to passers by, and a sweaty kiss for me as we jog past. Although they had no big advertisement going on, they too were selling themselves with their giveaway. I took a pink balloon, tied it to my knapsack and walked the rest of the race with it blowing in the wind. In the end, I untied my balloon, said a short prayer for a friend of ours who has been fighting the battle for a year now, and let my prayers drift off into the sky and into her heart.

Reminder: It is estimated that 214,640 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. About 41,430 will die. Currently, there are over 2 million women living in the US who have been treated for Breast Cancer.

Breast Self Examine Instructions
To order a free BSE card, please click here.

If they are having one of these in a town near you, join in, you will be glad you did, free stuff and all.
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