what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Calm has found me.

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I have found a calming in my life. I'm not sure when or how but I feel like a million pounds has been lifted right off my shoulders. I am feeling wonderful the last week or so. I had a tense 2 days with a situation, but now that it is resolved I feel rejuvinated. I think sometimes leaving the past behind makes the future seem so much brighter.

Im looking forward to my appointment with the nutritionist on Wed. Im hoping that will get the ball rolling and find a healthy way to get this weight off. I know I can do it, it is just a matter or getting some help. Even if that help is just someone to listen, someone that makes me feel like I am going to succeed. Hard to explain, but sometimes I just need to know from someone else that I am doing good.

Where there's a will, there's a way....

Im heading thata way...

Happy Birthday to my big brother Danny!!! The big 36. LOVE YOU!!!


Ann said...

Hello, I just stumbled onto your blog and read your story. I am so sad for the losses of your babies. I will be praying for you. I truly hope you're able to get pregnant again son, though nothing can replace the ones you don't have. They're in Heaven, I know.

Tara said...

Thanks Ann.. I will be sure to check out your blog too.
Thanks for the positive vibes for the future little ones.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tara,

Thanks for dropping by my site :)Great blog. Good luck at the Nutritionist tomorrow - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


Hol xxx

Tara said...

Thanks Hol
Im up and gonna get ready to go... Had a little trouble sleeping in anticipation. It is so silly but I am actually nervous. LOL