what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Wisk me away

It will take you a good 4 or 5 minutes to read this..

I was reading a blog of a Canadian young beauty with the most lovely first name (smile) I read the message over and over and over and over. I kept thinking to myself why in the world do so many bad things happen to so many good people. Why do people do stupid things only in the end to cause tragedy to others? Why in the world do people take their eyes off their youngins for anything more then a meer second? I know the reality is that bad things could happen whether you are looking or not, but why take that chance? Seems to me every summer you hear a handful of stories about tots drowning in a pool. It became the reality of a message board visitor, and also a family 2 streets away from me this past weekend. I can't imagine the pain, scratch that because I actually can.

I wonder if there will ever be a time in my life that an entire month will go by without some tragic happening near me. I know you are only supposed to be given as much as you can handle, but I seriously think whomever is dishing it out does not know my limitations.

Today I decided, well actually last night, but I put it into play today. That I am going to create my own destiny from now on. I have buckled down on getting healthy and plan on sticking to it.
I have vowed to walk every single morning, rain or shine for at least 45 mins.
I have vowed to eat the portion size of a human and not an ape or elephant.
I have vowed to moderate my snack intake.
I have vowed to avoid all outside food sources and prepare all of my meals here at home.
I have vowed to get control of my life and maintain control.

The obvious to me is what needs to be done to get healthier, the road to get their seems to have had its steep mountains to climb. 6 years ago the 4th I met my husband for the very first time. I was approx. 160lbs, which on these bones is rail thin. I was wearing a size 7-8 back in the day. It was right after the miracle which was weight watchers and walking for me. I lost 80 lbs in 11 months. I have come to realize not only do I need to look as I did then, but I need to feel and be who I was then.

I lack confidence, I lack sex appeal, I lack life..

I will tell you this, I WILL GET IT ALL BACK...

I hope in a few months, I am not re-writing this on another journal page and that I have made it through most of my weight loss goal.

It's always nice to hear words of encourangement, so if you know me, shout some out to me. Phil gave me some today. It seems I have made him proud by taking control of the reins and kicking this old horse(s ass) into gear.

6 days til the big 31, let me know if you need my addy to send my gifts =)


Carl Spackler said...

good luck in your pursuit of happiness. keep up the good work and inspiration.

Ms.DaFarm said...

Just stumbled along your blog in the "next blog" section, and I just had to comment...Good for you! Kudos for setting a goal. Just remember, one step at a time. You will hit plateus along the way where no matter what you do you won't lose, but it will pass - I've been there. :)