what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Disappointment - Happy Fuckin Birthday to me

I hate that I am constantly disappointed with what Phil gets me for every holiday. We have this thing where every holiday eve we open gifts. Dont ask why, we havent figured that out yet.
So tonight at 10pm my darling husband tells me he will be back in a few. Im thinking, NO HE DIDNT. There is absolutely nothing open close by accept the super market at 10pm in my neck of the woods. Well there is walmart but that is 30 minutes away. He was back in 45 mins so I know he had to go to the supermarket. Well a little after 11 he calls me in the living room to give me my presents. 1st they were unwrapped, which bugs the crap out of me. Second, and most shocking, FUCKING DIET BOOKS!!!!!!!! Not one but TWO. and a WW magazine. I couldnt even help but start to cry. I know I hurt his feelings but moreso he hurt mine. Also in the "gift bag" was 4 sugar loaded lollipops, those big round flavored ones, well I eat mostly sugar free stuff, and 2 nestle chocolate bar things. A $30 gift card for JC Penney, which I know for a fact he bought at the supermarket cuz it says the name of the store right on the back.
I am so sick of him being an idiot when it comes to shopping. Especially if I leave flyers around with what I want. I wanted a simple thing, a $40 silver bracelt. Its in the flyer every sunday, and every sunday I show it to him. I feel bad that I got upset, or that I am upset because I shouldnt be picky, but I always feel disappointed with everything he buys me. Every Christmas Im the one standing in line returning all the nonsense he buys me.
I guess I hurt his feelings when I told him to return the books and get his money back because he walked off. I know he didnt mean to hurt my feelings by buying me weight loss books, he repeated over and over how he was trying to support me, but for heavens sake its my birthday. Supporting my dieting would be bringing home a ww magazine on a day for no reason, just like I bring home his religious candles for no reason. Supporting my diet would be not bringing me Nestle chocolate bars that contain 280 calories. My birthday comes but once a year, doesnt take much to plan a few weeks in advance. Not go shopping at 10pm the night before.

I guess Im just a bitch, i dont know. Im so through with all this relationship bullshit all the time. Fuck it all I dont care.


t said...

oh man! seriously... diet books? is he crazy? did he fail out of female relationships 101...cause that is a huge what the f#@! even marko (who i must say falls fairly short in the gift giving department) understands that the word diet and birthday DO NOT go together..period. For shame is what I have to say to that. He better be buying you some nice ass dinner at this place you speak of and not saying one word when you eat three pieces of cake, cause damn there is a time and a place. sorry the "boy" came out in your husband, hopefully it will make nice and crawl back where it came from. try and enjoy the rest of it...grrrrr

Tara said...

Oh he crawled back alright, and called me a dozen times today to appologize. I believe I am partly to blame because I keep asking him to support my dieting but he misunderstood how far to take it. He hasnt made up for it with any replacement gifts yet, we shall see. I expected at least roses today..LOL I got zilch.

We did have a nice dinner, all $158.00 worth. We paid for my aunt and her girls, cuz they never go out to dinner because of the expense. We had a good time. BTW I only ate 1/2 a piece of cake, it was just too hot. LOL