what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

" Quiet your mind so that inspirations may rise from its depths" Unknown

have you ever felt like you were just being pulled in all directions?  that is precisely how i have been feeling lately...  i feel a little stressed out and the fact that i am not doing the things i need to be doing for myself are causing me even more stress....

it has been a few weeks since i have meditated... i often use the excuse of "not enough time" when it comes to everything in my life that is about me... not to make excuses but work has been crazy, my schedule is up, down and all over the place... i am exhausted beyond words most days... the only little pleasure i seem to find is going on facebook and playing stupid games...

as of tonight im taking back my time... im giving myself exactly what i need to give myself in order to get back on the path i was walking (or should i say running ) on 3 months ago... i felt so good then, in control, together, healthy

now i just feel over extended and under appreciated... frankly this is just not working for me... so now i take back my life, in a whole, at home, at work...

to be continued....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog.I like it.Check out my one too:
