what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Monday, July 02, 2007

a whole lotta happening

so i am terrible about updating, i do apologize
i will do my best in this blog to get things up to date..

ok so ya'll know that we moved to south carolina.. the trip went well, we did have to end up stopping over night as driving a loaded truck isn't as easy as i expected it to be. none the less we arrived around noon on the 15th. we headed over to our apartment to sign all the paperwork, and unload a few things so we could spend the night.. the next day the movers came and unloaded us.. we are settling into south carolina as good as expected. it was a little bit of culture shock at first. things here are a little slower then we are used to.

phil signed on with a small used car lot about 15 mins from the house. he is doing well there and really enjoys it. there are tons of big dealerships here, and that means more hustling so this works out better. he hasnt had to deal with the stresses that come with fighting for deals and is home everyday before the sun goes down!!

being here with danny, traci, and the kids has been awesome!!! its been a godsend for me to watch lily grow up right before my eyes. she has changed so much in the last 2 1/2 months. she speaks in full sentences and she is so darn smart. skyler is 9 going on 20, strong willed and fresh...lol he is into sports now (baseball and football) hopefully that will help him learn to deal with disappointments of not always getting his way. a bit of bad news came with our move, a few weeks after we arrived, danny and traci let us know they would be separating. danny is now in his own place and has found a bit of himself with god. its only been a few days but he seems to be happy in his new place. its unfortunate that they are separating but in time they can rebuild the friendship that is far more important then the marriage. skylet is handling things pretty well, as can be expected he is pitching a few little fits here and there. in time they will work themselves out.

skyler is heading off to camp in about a week, a full week away from home with his cousin jacob, no phone calls, no visits... just the boys becoming one with nature and hopefully having a kick ass time. im sure he will do great. i made him a pillowcase out of some globe fabric i have for his special camping pillow. i look forward to hearing all about his trip when he gets home.

since i moved away, the toughest thing has been the lack of communication with my girls up north. i miss them all like crazy.. jaclyn just graduated high school and went on her first trip with just friends to ocean city. tayler is going into 11th grade and sticking with her basketball and doing great. lauryn has decided to leave catholic school and attend public school next year. all in all i think it was a better decision for her basketball career. my aunt is down 85 lbs after her successful gastric bypass surgery in february. she is apparently doing extremely well adjusting to all that comes along with that surgery. i miss them all so much, i cant wait to head up to pa for a visit.. hopefully in the next few weeks.

oh and rosann got a 1968 mustang as a 15 yr wedding anniversary gift from ron... how sweet!

well besides sitting by the pool and sweating off some lbs in the gym, hanging around with the kids a few days a week, and strengthening my relationship with phil.. not a whole lot is going on...

phils mom is heading down from nj on july 4th for a 5 day visit... this should be interesting.. i will have to update you guys on that soon... lol

in closing i will leave you guys with a few pictures i have since the move... enjoy

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