what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Looking forward to my "after"

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December 26th, 2005 I got serious about losing weight.

I had been doing just barely enough for the 2 months prior and then I got a grip. 3 weeks 10.6 lbs!!!!!

I am working out daily, with exception of Sundays, which is my day of rest.

I am eating healthy, 1460-1500 calorie days. Im drinking between 80 and 96 ounces of water each day.

I have stuck to my new years resolution of NO SODA!!

I took measurements of my body on January 2nd to join in on the challenge here RapidWorkout! and I retook them yesterday for kicks. Although the challenge does not end until the end of the month, I already see a HUGE difference.

My muscles are moving, and boy can I feel it. Im achy at night, but it is all worth it.

Wanna join in on some great weight loss challenges and share your experiences with some great ladies, check out RapidWorkout!.

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