I had a very long week since my last post.
Lily Margo was born in Saturday April 16th at 12:39 pm, weighing in at 6lb 13oz, 18 1/2 inches long. She is doing wonderful. She does have a slight heart murmor like Traci has. It was a rough day to hear of her birth. I was driving to the shower when Danny called. I didn't think it was going to hit me so hard. Im not sure when I will be able to take a trip out to Ohio to see them. Hopefully my healing will start after my surgery Monday. My heart does not seem to want to ease up.
The shower was completely out of control and not well organized. I have an issue with things like that. First and foremost, you do not have a shower with 45 people in a chinese buffet place. The room we were in was so tiny and crammed. She got tons of gifts though which was nice. She will be moving to NC after the May 13th wedding in Vegas.
There were 5, count em * * * * * pregnant women there. One due on my EDD. It was rough.
Aunt Patricia asked me to take Melissa home about 10 mins away from the shower. I agreed because they told me the Parkway was right near her house. Well!! Melissa gave me the wrong instructions and I ended up lost in Newark. It took me over 3 1/2 hours to get back home, and it is normally a 2 hour ride. I was not happy. I just kept crying. Too many emotions going on for me to deal with. I stopped at Rosann's on the way home for a beer. She was having Jon's party for his 19th.
Sunday: Phil and I spent the entire day together. We tried to do a picnic but that quickly faded. So we got in the car and just went for a ride.
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