what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

there's something about chocolate

Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingwell the cold finally found us in nepa. and it is relentless at the moment. it just doesn't seem to get warm in my humble abode these days. the heat is purring but the warmth isn't sticking around long enough to keep me warm. i have resorted to a hat and double socks to help. the biggest help though is my yummy delicious hot chocolate. there is something about a steaming mug of hot chocolate with a cold dollop of whipped cream floating on the top of the mug. when your lips hit the mug and you feel that cool cream touch your lips while sipping on the hot chocolaty pleasure. its a dream in my eyes these days.

so i haven't spent much time on this blog, i'm sorry for that. i'm sure by now my small following is long gone. i vowed a few times to get back into it and then life takes over and i get engulfed in other things.

my learning experience for the month of january went well. i watched all the episodes of living with the kombai, and perused the internet for as much information i could find. i regret not getting to the library for some literature but there is still time. i learned alot of interesting things about the kombai culture. their lives are so similar to the "west" and they don't even know it. all and all i am glad i spent time learning about their lifestyle.

i haven't spend much time thinking about a new adventure for february. any suggestions?

let's see, what else can i tell ya's about. oh i adventured into cloth pads. it's an environmentally friendly way to deal with aunt flo each month. i made a purchase from here and another from here. You can read all about cloth pads here. i just started using them yesterday and i have to say i really do like them better. they feel better against your delicate skin. its basically the same concept as a cloth diaper for a baby. reuse and recycle.

moving is still on our board of things to get done before summer. we had a slight financial set back but we are working on rebuilding what was lost from savings, and it should not put a dent into our plans too much. we are still hoping for april or may for the big move. hopefully april though so i can be there for lily's 2nd birthday.

finally i will leave you with a few postcards that i swiped from post secret, that made me feel, well just feel. * kickball * lotus * alone * scared

1 comment:

t said...

so now that is it march you must tell, what did you learn in february?