what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

so much to tell, so little time

well if you have noticed my total lack of time to blog, and well keep up generally just about everywhere it is because, i decided to take a job at Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket the store is located about 25 mins away, its a brand new store, setting to open on august 30th. i have been enduring the whole training process for the last weeks, including many an early morning work arrivals. i decided to choose the logistics department. basically that means, we take in the truck and put out freight, do price changes, set up new displays, etc etc etc... i have done my training at a few other stores, but im eager to get into our store and get things moving along. anyone who has worked in retail, knows its not rocket science, but hey its a job, it pays really well for this area, and i dont have to break my back or work 50 hours a week between two jobs to make some money. so if you have been wondering where i ran off to, and whats been occupying my time, there you have... with a few naps thrown in there on my 4 and 5 am days...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
jacob and tabby, went back home to ohio a week or so ago (traci's sisters' kids). it was nice getting to spend some time with them, swimming and such.... here's a summers end picture of all 4 of the twerps together... isnt it amazing how not tan they are for being in the south... i look at myself in the mirror and wonder why in the world i have no color either... probably due to the fact that its too damn hot to go outside while the sun is out...LOL

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
my final tidbit of news for now, is the fact that my very beautiful cousin jaclyn is about to embark on the most major change in her life tomorrow (wed aug 22nd), she is packing the car and heading off to college. im sorta sad that i cant be there to watch her off and help her move into the dorms. im so jealous of the opportunity she has been given and wish i had pushed for the opportunity when i was her age.... so say a few prayers for jaclyn, and aunt cathy too (my goodness she must be going nuts), that the move goes smooth, and jaclyn loves every minute of her college experience.

well thats about all i have for ya's now... i will try to stay up to date in the next few weeks, but my blogs will probably be scarce until the store opening is over and we get on a normal weekly schedule and i find time to manage all my lovely responsibilities.... damn to be a teenager again...LOL

for now....
peace out people!!!

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