what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

not all that jazzy but its something

so im sitting here staring at the blinking cursor trying to come up with something witty and wise to write about, and im drawing a blank... ya see there is nothing new and exciting going on, or at least nothing i think anyone would be interested in hearing about... work is great, had a great week filled with lots of laughs and odd faces from fellow employees... the best part of all, which im sure none of you will care about, i got 6 ONC's (Old Navy CC's) this week. It was a big week for me, very exciting :choke:

im off today and tomorrow... today im heading over to traci's to help her move some furniture around to get ready for new stuff... then tomorrow i am having lily all day which should be fun... im debating whether or not i want to take a ride down to the zoo or not... but with her a picnic at cherry park is so much better so we may just do that...

summer is right around the corner... i already have some of my patio set up with flowers... the great debate still goes on in my head whether or not i want to do veggies again this year... they didnt do all that great last year, but if i buy this then maybe i can get a good crop going... i'd love to do cucumbers and tomatos at very least... im going to try and see what happens... im not going to repeat of last year with all the different stuff, cuz truth be told, i just dont get enough sun on my patio for enough hours to keep things growing... =(

ok im off to see the kiddos and move some stuff with traci...

yeah when i have something important to talk about i'll be back... hell who am i kidding i'll be back to babble sooner then that im sure

c'est la vie mon cheri

ahh ps: if you havent done so already, check out my aidswalk page and give a small donation if you can... thanx a bunch

Saturday, March 01, 2008

when i slack i slack

as i sit here waiting for traci and the kids to come over for family dinner
i surf through the dozen or so blogs that i *try* to keep up with and realize
just how much of a slacker i am with my own blog. i find time everyday to myspace and facebook, and check out this dribble but i cant seem to ever find time to keep up with my own life.

this working woman stuff has really taken me over. dont get me wrong i really love my job. i work with a great bunch of people and the good days definitely outweigh the bad, but i just dont ever seem to have time.

ya see most days for me start between 2 and 4 AM. i do my 15 mins of meditation, take my shower, shove a waffle down my throat, pop some pills (bp meds people) and im off for my commute. i use the 30 min drive to work to clear my head, blast some tunes and sing my lungs out. its just the perfect amount of a release i need to start my day.

im home daily between 2-3 pm, but boy once the shoes come off and my fat ass hits the couch im done for. things like housework and cooking have gone to the birds and i often spend my days off trying to play catch up if i can drag myself away from the dvr long enough. im in bed reading by 6:30 or 7:00 trying to catch some sleep to start all over the next day...

so you see time doesnt really allow for me to have for myself. i try though, i really do. this weekend im off so i spent my morning trying to get things done, hit the recycle center, drop off the 2 months worth of recycling that has accumulated on my patio, hit the farmers market for some fresh produce, that i vow to use this week to prepare some meals for my loves. i have to find a balance in this working thing that allows me some more time to just do...

its a miracle if i cook one meal per week, although im in harris teeter and awful lot buying stuff to do so... the plan is genuine, just putting it to use is where i falter. i set a goal today to find time, less in front of the tv when i come in from work and more on myself.

the weather is starting to really get warm here and i need need need to be out in the sun. im convinced it is the only thing that keeps me sane and less depressed. im going back to walking my complex, doing alittle of this and that, and far less couch warming. im sure if i move more, and sit less, i will be less tired all the time, and no doubt it will help allieviate some of the stress in my life.

well im sure by now i have lost most of my loyal readers, it goes hand in hand when you put your blog on hold for 6 months, not that there were many before. but i will try and update more often, i pinky promise. although there isnt all that much excitement in my life anyhow, im sure i can come up with a thing or two to right about

for now, peace out people, drop me a line, let me know your still out there