what is this blog about you ask? nothing, everything, something... it's about my life, a way to vent it all out, a place to babble about things...some days i am creative, others not so much... enjoy


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It's all about the things I want in life,

the battle I face to get there,

the strength I need to make it through another day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

bare walls, boxes and a bunny cake

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Hop Hop Hop... Our last holiday here in PA was another quiet one. I made a Ham dinner, with mashed potato's, and peas and carrots. Phil and I did some work around here packing and then ate a late dinner. I made a carrot cake, not exactly the best in decorating, but it was cute enough and tasted delicious.

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As you can see our boxes are packed and we are just about ready to load the truck. We have very little left to do, pack overnight bags and make sure that the items we will need quickly are on top of the containers. In the first box all the brown boxes you see are all books. I should have counted them as I packed them, but I can tell you that the total of the boxes weighs 120 lbs. You can also see the awesome stand up mixer my mother in law gave me. I used it on Easter for the cake mix and then the mashed potato's and it was heaven. It was given to her as a gift and she never used it so she offered it to me. I of course accepted since it was an item on my long list of wants, but never wanted to spend the $$ on it. So all in all we are all packed up and ready to go. We get the truck on Saturday, and we will spend the day slowly packing the truck. We will head to bed early and leave bright and early on Sunday morning after loading the mattresses and TV. Phil will drive the truck and I will lead in the car. It took me 10 hours when I went down a few weeks ago, I imagine it will take about 12 with the truck.

We move in to our new place on Monday morning, and should be all settled a few days after. I will keep you posted...

On another note, I purchased several seed packets to try again with growing my own veggies. I bought Cucumbers, Eggplant's, Tomato's, Green Peppers, and both Yellow and Green Squash. Last summer I did Eggplant's and Mini Tomato's and they were wonderful, so I look forward to trying all these new veggies out this year, wish me luck! I plan on turning our patio into a mini vegetable garden.

Below is the layout of our new place.. pictures to come once we arrive and unpack =)

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